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  1. 13 ч назад · iPhone 16 Release Date. September remains the golden month for Apple's iPhone launches, and the iPhone 16 is expected to follow suit. Historically, Apple tends to unveil its latest gadgets within the first two weeks of September, with pre-orders kicking off shortly after, leading to a subsequent general sale release.

  2. 12 ч назад · iPhone 16 получит аккумулятор емкостью 3561 мАч (прирост 6%), тогда как iPhone 16 Plus — на 4006 мАч (на 9% меньше). Обе модели предложат поддержку быстрой зарядки мощностью 40 Вт, что даже больше, чем в iPhone 15 Pro ...

  3. 1 час назад · Should Apple introduce the feature with the iPhone 16, it would fix one of the longest-standing complaints about the iPhone camera system. 2. Higher refresh rate displays on non-Pro models. Kerry ...

  4. 12 ч назад · The iPhone 16 series is predicted to continue Apple's trend of RAM upgrades, with both the standard and Plus models expected to boast 8GB of RAM. However, there are concerns that the next ...

  5. 12 ч назад · iPhone 16 : IA, design, date de sortie ... En 2024, Apple a par exemple supprimé la version 128 Go de l’iPhone 15 Pro Max, faisant débuter celui-ci à 256 Go.

  6. 4 ч назад · The upcoming 12.9″ iPad Air has a MiniLED display. This will consume left over panels from the 12.9″ MiniLED iPad Pro and offer lower power than an edge lit LCD…”. This is very exciting ...

  7. 12 ч назад · Meglepő viszont az, ami az iPhone 16 Plus-ról elterjedt: 4006 mAh-s akkumulátorról szólnak a hírek, mely 9 százalékkal kisebb, mint a tavaly ősszel megjelent iPhone 15 Plusé. Elődjénél 2,5 százalékkal nagyobb kapacitású, 3355 mAh-s pakkot kaphat az iPhone 16 Pro – ez már nem új információ, így megerősíti a korábbiakat.